Work - School
Work - School
RTW provides COVID testing, surveillance and vaccination services to businesses and schools with rapid and reliable turnaround times.
At RTW, we understand that each situation is unique and has different needs. We work closely with your staff to develop a specialized, physician-guided testing protocol utilizing EUA/FDA-approved tests with the capability to test large volumes. Our goal is to SAFELY return your workers and students to work and schoo..
RTW stays up to date with new and changing state and federal guidelines to determine the appropriate intervals for testing.

RTW works with various film and tv productions, corporations, small/medium businesses, and educational institutions.

Work - School
- COVID-19 screening, surveillance, and vaccination
- Confidential results management, including contact tracing
- Collaborative development of cost-effective testing strategy
- On-site vaccination services
- Dedicated RTW staff for collection and services management